Personal Narrative: Happy To Be Alive

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Personal Narrative: Happy To Be Alive People often ask why I seem to be so happy; my usual reply is "because I'm alive". It was six days after my eleventh birthday, so naturally I was happy, but by the end of this day there are feelings I had that I never knew existed. I recall my primary six teacher asking my class to gather round her as she had something to tell us. She said that a man had gone into a primary school in Dunblane and started shooting at innocent children. The thought that someone could this came to me as a great shock but I did not even consider what might have happened to my cousin, Emma, who lives there. In all honesty I had forgotten about her. It wasn't until I walked past my house window after school and I could see my mum crying, I filled up with worry but the thought of what had happened to my cousin still never entered my mind. I looked at her, then my mum said my cousin's name. It felt like my legs had just disintegrated. I could not stand. I filled up with both crushing emotion and devastating anger. The reason for my tears was obvious but the answer for my aggression plagued my mind endlessly. I found myself unable to look at anyone. The room was filled with loved ones who were going through the exact same as I was yet each look came across as so patronising. I felt the only way to get away from the pain and anguish that encircled the living room was to go to my room. I sat alone in silence. This silence made my anger grow until I lashed out; I began to hit the wall repeatedly. The more pain I felt the more I hit. I wanted to try and feel some of the pain my cousin might have. I don't ev... ... middle of paper ... ...o talk about the horror of what happened. This experience dramatically changed my outlook on life. As a person I don't feel that there was much of a change but the way I now look at things is different. I knew that for Emma's sake I had to go out and face the world. As the cliché goes, I now take every day in my stride. I smile to show that I'm grateful that I'll experience what life has to offer me. To this day still the topic arises, in classes a teacher may mention it. When this is talked about I get an indescribable feeling going throughout my body. This may be the way that emotion works. I'm not sure. All over the world people are still using handguns. No matter how many protests take place people still feel the need. My only question is why? Why shoot someone? Is there a sense of power that comes with that?

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