Personal Narrative Essay: My Mother's Cancer

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My mom and I were on the front porch on night talking about nonsense, until we heard the stuttering of a car late at night. The car stopped in our driveway and then we found that it was my granny, she hated being called grandma it made her feel old, her long blonde going down her back turning her head towards her blue eyes looking at my mother. She called my mother to her car talking about she went to the doctor and they discovered cancer in her stomach. After my granny left the house my mom sat on the porch crying holding a piece of paper in her hands. She told me everything about the cancer where it was as she handed me the papers. I flip through the paper, as if I didn’t know what the word cancer like I didn’t know what cancer does to the body, I looked at my mom her face red with tears. I got up …show more content…

I remember the times before she had got cancer her would be so happy and visit us almost every day and how she would tell me her cooking secrets. She stopped talking weeks before she died and closed her eyes, my mom would say that she wishes that she could her talk and see her eyes one more time. A few days before she died I broke down crying, in the car, I thought I had to be strong for my mom and aunt talked to me about how I would still have my granny in my heart for a long time. And I remember the day she died I had just gotten home from high school, I was happy and thinking that later that day I could she my granny, my dad was home and told me that my granny had died that morning. I went to bed and cried the feeling that someone that I loved had died made all the pain and mourning seem real somehow. I didn’t go to school for three days, I didn’t even go to the funeral or the wake; I knew that people ask where I was. I honestly cannot tell you how many times I tell myself that if she had died then that made everything I feared come true. I tried to convince myself that she is in a better place and not suffering and longer that she is better up there than down

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