Personal Narrative Essay: Fear Of Anxiety While Driving

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We all have some type of fear or anxiety deep down inside us. For me I have an anxiety of driving. More specifically I am afraid of doing something wrong while driving. My parents and everybody that has ever rode in a vehicle with me all say the same thing when it comes to my anxiety of driving. “I don’t see why you get nervous, you’re a good driver.” When I get comfortable driving to a certain place over and over I really don’t have any fear of it. For example driving from my house to EKU Manchester isn’t a problem because I do it multiple times a week and have done it for over a year now. Neither is driving from my house to Clay County High School to watch athletic events because I drove there numerous times throughout my senior year of high school. My education class of this semester required me to drive to Corbin to observe at three different schools. I had never drove to Corbin and I don’t know if you have ever been to Corbin but most of the streets are one way which I’m definitely not use to since I do all my driving in Manchester. We went to each school on a Thursday. Every Wednesday night I found myself lying in bed restless and worrying about tomorrow when I would have to drive to Corbin. …show more content…

I got there with ease and found myself not really worrying because my classmates kept me entertained. So the next time we were required to go to Corbin High School which was pretty close to the previous school I had been to but again because I had never been there I found myself nervously dreading the trip I would have to make. Again I drove there with my classmates and we had no problem finding the high school and getting back to Manchester. This last time we had to go to a school I thought I knew right where it was. I traveled to where I thought it was with no problem. However I went to Corbin Elementary when I was supposed to have been at Corbin Primary

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