Personal Narrative Essay: A Significant Moment Of My Life

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A significant moment of my life was the day I graduated from high school. It was on May 26, 2016. I had woken up like it was any other day and I went about my daily routines. I had spent that morning with my sister because she was visiting from North Carolina and was soon due to deliver her baby. It wasn’t until 10am that I realized I had to get ready for graduation. At first it hadn’t hit me that this was one of the biggest days of my life. I had gotten ready while my sister did my nails and my makeup, while my mother helped me with my hair. I hadn’t really thought about how this would change things, but when the time came for me to get to the stadium where the graduation was held, I started to get nervous. The whole entire car ride there I was sweating and crying because I feared that I was going to get there late, I was also nervous about the day had finally come and it made me think of all the struggles I had to go through just to get to this moment. …show more content…

I had failed the reading FCAT since the third grade, during those years I thought that I wasn’t smart enough, that I would never get to graduate from high school without being left back, but it wasn’t until I started my 9th grade year, where I had finally been able to understand the material and concepts that I needed to pass. When I had finally finished going down memory lane, we were already at the stadium. As I was in the back waiting till the graduation started, I had talked to my friends and talked about what we would do during the summer and that we would hang out and keep in touch. Then it was time to start, the music started playing and one by one we walked. While I was walking I saw a glimpse of my mother’s face and knew that she was proud of me. She had told me a story of how the doctors told her that I be placed in special classes for I would not be able to learn as well as the students around

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