Personal Narrative Essay: A Fishing Trip To Remember

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A Fishing Trip to Remember

It was June 6th, 2013. Our family set off for a fishing trip in the crystal blue waters of the South Miami Sea. We had heard reports of a hurricane coming in from the north, but dad decided they were just rumors; who could blame him? The sky was as clear as could be and not a single cloud to be seen. A gentle, cool breeze blew in from the south blowing my hair over my eyes. My little brother Adrian swiped my hair back behind my ears; “
”There you go sis.” he said. Adrian is the best little brother a big sister could ask for. I never really understood the concept of sibling fights, because we both have always naturally gotten along. Mom was lying down in the back of the boat sun tanning. “Alyssa, could you get me a peach from the …show more content…

I walked back up the stairs and out the hatch into the blazing Miami sun. As I went to deliver the peach to mom, I tripped over a fishing rod that my brother had left out and I landed right on my face. “Who put that there!” I shouted as I rubbed my cheek in agony. Adrian popped his head up “I did, I’m sorry Aly I didn’t mean to make you fall.” He came over and gave me a tight hug at my waist. I can never stay mad at him for longer than ten or fifteen minutes. He’s just about my best friend. I got up and looked for the peach that I was holding. Then I saw it, floating out 15 feet into the ocean. That was our last peach. Sorry mom. BOOM! Out of nowhere thunder crashed around us. The sky was still clear and as calm as ever. BOOM! Thunder crashed all around, only this time clouds began to form. The sky turned gray. This must be the hurricane that everyone was talking about. None of us had ever seen anything like it, not even dad. Who has probably spent more time on the water than he has on land. “Everyone in the lower deck!” dad shouted over the loud rain that had begun pouring. “I’m scared” whimpered Adrian as he was clenching on to my arm. “In my head I was thinking “me and you both” but I had to be strong

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