Narrative Essay On Road Accident

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My failure happened in an instant. I had driven home this way a thousand times before, but today would be different. The misty rain made the road slick as I steered the car through the slow, wide curve. It may have been the setting sun in my eyes, but it was probably a combination of the loud song on the radio and the slight yawn that escaped from my mouth. Regardless, a momentary distraction was all it took as the tires hit the damp gravel. The wet rubber and slick stones triggered the car to slide off the road to the right. In a panic, I jerked the wheel to the left, over-correcting the slide. Swerving across oncoming traffic, my car jumped over the drainage ditch and smashed down into a neighbor’s front yard. Continuing its dangerous journey, the car destroyed a lamp post, clipped an ancient oak tree, and violently spun around a full 360 degrees. Boom! The airbag exploded against my face as my body lunged forward. The seat belt did its job as it safely pinned me against the back of the seat as the car came to rest on the front porch of the house. Silence. …show more content…

As I reached to get my backpack from the rear seat I heard a man yell, “Are you all right?” Funny, I had not yet thought about my physical well being. “Yes, I’m fine!” The sound of sirens filled the air as an ambulance, fire truck and a police car all converged on the scene simultaneously. Slowly, I scanned the aftermath as people darted towards me from all directions, marveling at how my body was still in one piece. While there were no obvious injuries, the severity of the crash necessitated an ambulance ride to the emergency room. After several x-rays and tests, the doctor discharged me from the hospital. The ride home with my parents was eerily quiet. It was late, so I went straight to bed, but did not

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