Personal Narrative

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Personal Narrative Two years ago in the summer time I went to visit my family in Romania after not seeing them for about three years. My whole entire family from both of my parents live in Romania so the summer is the only time we get a chance to see them. Two years ago I was not really aware of how grateful and lucky I am that I can go visit my family because some families do not have the chance to go because airplane tickets cost so much money. When my mom told me about the trip I was beyond happy. I can still remember the way her tone was. It was a very joyful tone. I was super happy because the time I get to see my family is the best time of my life. For me to be able to see them means a whole lot. It was a couple of days after school ended …show more content…

It was quite an interesting set of noise. We finally got to the desk and got our flight tickets. After that we had to go through security so they could check us and our bags, then finally we got to our gate to board our first flight which was from Detroit to Amsterdam. That is an eight hour flight over the Atlantic Ocean. I was asleep most of the time. I did not even get up to eat. When we first got in the air really high up I looked out the window and all I could see was snow white clouds. It made me feel like I was floating on snow.When we got to Amsterdam we had to get to our second gate right away because the plane was already there ready to board people. This next flight was from Amsterdam to Romania and this was only a two hour flight. That whole flight I started getting even more impatient because I just wanted to see my family so bad. We are finally in Romania and I was so ecstatic. We go to baggage claim and walk out the doors to see my grandpa and uncle waiting for us. I started crying happy tears, we hugged and talked for a minute then it was off to the …show more content…

Once again I was asleep the whole time because I was a little tired from traveling.When I was awake I looked out the window and saw the beautiful mountains and rivers that were right next to me and was admiring the view. Time passed and we finally arrive at their house. Before the car engine even stops I hop out of the car and go hug all my aunts, uncles, and cousins who are waiting for us outside. Everyone was so happy and laughing and the energy was just an indescribable

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