My First Joyous Trip

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My first summer break ever traveling out of Minnesota was something I will never forget. My family and I decided to go to Canada, at an unexpected time during the summer. My family and I were brainstorming on ways of transportation, we all agreed that to go by vehicle. That was when we decided to drive there with a car on a road trip. The reason we wanted to go on road trip was because on a airplane, all you do is sit on a chair for hours, that seemed too tedious. Also, sitting on a plane is not enjoyable or interactive. My family and I wanted to have a family road trip experience, traveling in a car, and have that extraordinary time, for me to reminisce about for years to come. The next day, we packed our stuff to go on our road trip, we set each bag for what we needed. When all was done, I heard the car motor start sounding like a plastic water bottle against a fan and seemed as if the had car roared to life. We stopped at our local Holiday gas station. We were on the highway about to leave Minnesota, and saw this giant lake, with an fascinating view. On the side of the road we saw fresh cut green grass, it had a couple of different shades of green and an abundance of water that was breathtaking. We were not able to stop to check it out, but as we passed by, I stared at the aspect of the placid lake. I had never seen such an alluring sight. I rolled down my window, and let the cold refreshing breeze hit my face, as I listened to the wind sing through the clear blue skies. I could smell fresh grown grass at a farm near by. I wished I could have stayed in that moment for a little while longer, because I did not want to let go of that unbelievable feeling I was feeling. When we finally got into Canada, we stopped to get some foo... ... middle of paper ... visiting the waterpark, we left Canada and were on our way back home. Spending time with my family and relatives brought out the best in who I am and impacted me in many amazing, different ways. It made me more cheerful about life, and about the people around me.Their bright smiles will always be imprinted in my memory. Going to Canada with my family was one of the best experiences of my life. As a first time of going on a trip, it was the most delightful and enchanting experience I had ever felt. It is so easy for me to remember these vivid memories about my experiences in Canada, because I had the most incredible time, even though i almost drowned. When my family and I finally got home, we all sat around the living room. The sounds of the heartwarming laughs coming from all the family members brimmed in my ears. That is how, my incredible trip came to an end.

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