Personal Fitness Research Paper

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Taelor Nebel Fitness is something that takes a while to achieve and improve upon, and it is different for everybody. While it improves standard of living and one’s life expectancy, exercising may take a lot out of a person if they feel like they won’t go anywhere. By looking at just two years of my physical activity, I noticed how my abilities have now grown.
From 9th grade to 10th grade, I went from not even being able to do one push-up to doing 29 in a minute. Also, for bench-pressing I got 41 in 9th grade and then 67 in 10th grade. Other than those two tests, I didn’t really improve in cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, or plank. I didn’t do the vertical jump or 12-minute run tests in 9th grade, so I’m unable to compare that data. With …show more content…

Firstly, how exercise had an impact on my health both in school and outside of school. In school, physical education was the main aspect that helped to improve my fitness scores as a whole. To have mandatory goals set that I had to complete allowed me to achieve fitness much easier than if I’m going by my own, independent motivation. Gym class offered and taught many, difficult and challenging ways to improve my physical abilities and endurance. I don’t participate in any school sports other than marching band, which is hardly considered a sport. I played bass drum in that, so that was working my leg, back, and shoulder muscles. Outside of school, I had a gym membership during the summer, and I didn’t really utilize it as much as I should have. When I did go to the gym I did the elliptical, then the little strength circuit area, and sometimes a yoga class with my grandma. Secondly, how my personal measures such as attitude and nutrition effected my physical growth results. I’ll admit it, my …show more content…

My first short-term goal is to audition and become a part of Minnesota Brass as a marching baritone. This band performs an intense marching show on a football field, the players weave in between one another to create mesmerizing patterns all while playing difficult instrumental music. The instrument that I will be holding is approximately 10 pounds, and I have to keep that straight up. My arm strength will improve and my cardiovascular endurance will also improve. I’m planning on creating a strict schedule for going to the gym after PE is over, so that I can continue to improve. A long-term goal that I have is joining a Drum Corps International, or DCI, band in my mid-20s. DCI is double the intensity of Minnesota Brass and will help my physical ability stay strong. I also plan into my adult life to keep on sticking to my fitness plan with a gym

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