Personal Finance Case Study

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As an Advance accounting student here at Navajo Technical University in Crownpoint, NM, accounting is a major part in our daily lives and so is being in debt. On the Navajo reservation majority of the population are in debt and that is due to the lack of financial education provided. As being a parent, wondering about my children’s future and would like for them to be debt free in the future. Developing a foundation of personal finance in high school would be very helpful. Second, exposing teens to strategies to better themselves financially is a 21st century survival skill and last, opening the minds of students and having them to make inform decisions on finance at an early age would help them in their future. An overwhelming majority of teens—87%-- admit they don’t know much about personal finance, according to a new study by ING Direct. All high school students should take a personal finance course. The first reason on why high school students should have developed a foundation of Personal Finance in high school. Teens deserve to be introduced to complicated financial concepts by caring teachers charged with preparing them to make wise and informed financial decisions. If we teach teens the skills they need today to manage their money tomorrow, we stand
Some high students may not see the value in financial literacy education, and may think that it is a waste of time. Many may think that they know about finance by watching their parents pay bills and by managing a checking and saving account. But what they don’t know is that there is a lot more to finance and many of the high school students have already been embedded with good or bad spending habits. Having the students go through the courses at a young age and to begin training their minds on the aspects of finance. Would help a great deal in their life and to break the bad spending habits or to improve on good spending

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