Personal Essay: What Is Happiness And The Concept Of Happiness

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What is happy? It’s a simple question. It’s an expression used to dictate our emotion at a particular time. What you feel though is Joy not happy. Happy is adjective that as children was okay use as a fluff word, but as we grew up not so much. As a child everything was happy, but as an adult everything is okay. The meaning of happy hasn’t changed though. One possibility is that our concept of happiness as we grew changed. If happiness has changed though can we still be happy? Happiness doesn’t come from the fluff word it comes from an emotion, like joy. Happiness though, is a transitory state that is brought on by strong emotions like joy. To truly understand why happiness is a transitory state you must first put aside any preconceived notions of happiness. The idea of happiness morphs as we grow up into what other people’s ideas of happiness were. If our parents wanted money as we were young it is likely we will try to be happy with money. Everyone needs a different thing to be happy. Some people need animals while others need to organize things. It is all different. To be able to understand what makes you happy you have to be able to put out any idea that you have about happiness. Once this is done, you have to …show more content…

I know I was experiencing happiness because of the joy I felt in my heart. I call them my moments. These are the moments in my life that are bright and echo with laughter. I feel they are directly related to sky because in these moment I remember looking up and saying to myself I will remember this for the rest of my life. I can feel myself with wrinkle and grey hair glancing up to the sky feeling the sun against my face remembering. The earliest one was before I was three years old. I remember stand in this toy chest that my sister and I had just emptied I am looking up and the light from the window is hitting my face and I am just laughing with my little

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