Person Centered Care Case Study

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Initiatives to ensure Person centered care is provided for Loretta: To provide person centered care for Loretta the registered nurse understands that Loretta is to be at the fore front of the planning, delivery and evaluation of her health care. At Loretta’s discretion she is to be provided with all available tools and resources to assist in her decision making and is to feel comfortable when expressing her concerns, beliefs and values in regards to the health care she receives. To ensure that person centered care is met Loretta can decide to have or not to have a family member such as her daughter Mary present during visits and also as part of decision making. The registered Nurse will work with Loretta and Mary to achieve optimum health outcomes which are important to Loretta such as the ability to regain mobility through pain management mechanisms like the correct dose and frequency of pain medication, massage therapy and/ or physiotherapy, all of which are dependent on Loretta and her daughter Mary …show more content…

The registered nurse can organize appointments and patient transport for Loretta. Regular medication reviews for those such as Loretta who are taking multiple are required and the registered nurse can work closely with the GP and pharmacy to achieve the best possible health outcomes. To the discretion of Loretta and Mary the registered nurse can organize for an ACAT member to conduct an aged care assessment and determine which services are appropriate for her. As part of a person and family centered care approach the registered nurse acknowledges that Mary is an integral part in Loretta’s health care outcomes and therefore services which supply carer support are important. Loretta and Mary may benefit from being directed to the this website contains a comprehensive array of services and information which is easily accessible. {{meta.og.title}}.

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