Person Centred Care Essay

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Person Centred Care Person centred care is defined as health care professionals work together for people who use the health care services. Person centred care also helps to support the patient’s knowledge and also helps the patient to develop an understanding of their health condition and also gives them the confidence to effectively manage and make educated decisions about their own health and also the health care in which they receive. (Health Foundation 2014). This suggests that each individual needs to be treated with the same amount of respect and they also need to be treat equally. Furthermore, the RCN (2015) argue that important principles of Person Centred Care are respect, dignity and compassion. As professional it is important that …show more content…

The NHS choices (2010) states that upholding a balanced diet is important for good health, this can be accomplished by giving the patient a selection of foods from the five major food groups. This indicates that we as professionals need to be giving the patients the right amount of food from each of the food groups. According to Bloomfield J, Pegram A (2012). They explain that there are many factors that can prevent patients within the hospital setting being given enough to eat and drink. It is important that we as professionals identify the factors which prevent the patient from receiving the right amount of food and water. According to Jeffries et al (2011) if we as nurses do not identify the factors it can cause malnutrition and other outcomes from postponed recovery, and also it could cause infections, which will then increases the patient’s time within hospital. Whiteing and Hunter (2008) stated that factors such as disruptions to mealtimes through preparation of investigations, or patients being absent from the ward when meals and drinks are served. We as nurses need take time to make sure that there is meal plan in place for the patients, this then will make sure that the patient is receiving their meals at the same time during the day, also giving the patent a copy of this plan will then therefore explain to them that meal time is a certain time as …show more content…

This is divided into loads of sub headings due to the fact that communication is an important factor when it comes to person centred care. Getting to know our patient is the first step of ensuring person centred care is achieved. Asking them what they want to addressed by is a main point in ensuring that we as professionals get to know our patients, this shows to the patient that we are willing to get to know them and also it shows respect by asking what they want to be addressed by. This is important also to the patient as they may want to be called by their surname. I found in my first few days in placement that patients wanted to be called their first name. One communication method which was used within my placement area there were safety meetings at 8.30am to raise any concerns that happened within the area the previous and also within this meeting they read some patient review forms with are used within that area to get information on what the patient felt about the staff and also improvements in which they can make one team member from each theatre and one member from recovery must attend it. This will then give the individual’s areas in which will need to be looked upon with dealing with a patient. Another communication method we used within my placement area was communication with the theatre staff to get a brief on the patients to see if they had any allergies and also to

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