Perseverance Research Paper

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Courage, Selflessness and Perseverance. Do these three words bring something in mind for you? For me, it brings up heroism. All the three words mentioned above connect to make up a hero. Examples of heroes can be made-up characters such as Superman and Batman. More examples of real historical figures that are heroes that are appreciated today from the past are Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Our teachers, firefighters, or even our police officers are heroes. Anyone can become a hero, possibilities can become endless when it comes to heroism. Although a hero is someone that has made the largest impact on a person's life, they have also influenced their life for the better. Now that we have taken a look at all three words that all have to do with heroism, now let’s move on to discuss what each word has to do with heroism. Courage means to have the ability to do something others are afraid to do. These can be connected to what was mentioned previously. Superman shows courage because he can save someone from a building that is on fire, and so can firefighters. These two kinds of people are heroes because they risked their own life to do something not everyone is willing to do. Courage is the main component to heroism because you can’t …show more content…

The definition of perseverance is determination of doing something despite it’s difficulty or the success it gives. Perseverance is important in heroism because no matter how difficult the task might be, you have to push through it. In the end, perseverance does really pay off. For example, Batman. Batman fights hard against crime. Even though he knows he can't win, but he still goes out of his through all the injury and punishment he takes to continue to try fight the crime. Batman influences life for the better because he fights against these crimes, and doesn’t give up until the job is done. This is why Batman is considered heroic, due to his courage, selflessness and

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