Performance Assessment Essay

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Chelsie Vogel (Slides 7-8):
Application of Assessments:
I will explain that as teachers, it is imperative to decided on what knowledge or skill needs to be assessed. After we define our objectives, it is time to ask ourselves, “Which type of assessment will be most appropriate?”

Group Discussion: I will then ask the class to share how they have determined which type of assessment to use in past lessons.

I will then explain and go over three guidelines to consider when creating a performance assessment.
The selected performance should reflect a valued activity. This type of assessment sends a message to students about what you value most and want them to learn. The completion of performance assessment should provide a valuable learning …show more content…

Chelsie Vogel (Slide 9):
After we have discussed guideline that apply to multiple formats of performance assessment, we expand on the types of presentations these forms involve.
Demonstrations require students to show what they know and is usually a closed-response tasks, meaning there is one correct or best way to complete the task. Examples include tying a shoelace, line up for a fire drill, and use a microscope to view slides.
Experiments use inquiry skills and methods to make estimates, predictions, gather and analyze data, draw conclusions, and present findings. Examples include texting sink or float objects, growth conditions, and steps needed to create an electrical circuit.
Oral presentations allows students to verbalize knowledge and use oral communication skills. Examples include interviews, speeches, skits, debates, and dramatizations.
Exhibitions are a public performance that demonstrate what has been learned over the course of a unit and motivates student engagement. Examples include science fair projects, racing vehicles, and arts & academic …show more content…

Group Discussion: I will ask the class which one of the performance assessment stood out to them in the video and why?

Chelsie Vogel (Slide 11):
Next I will be talking about another type of performance assessment; Projects. Projects are activities completed over an extended period of time that result in a student product of some kind. Examples include a model, function object like a map or diorama, reports, or a collection of artifacts.
Projects can be completed individually or as a group and assesses academic learning goals, how well students work together cooperatively, and individual accountability.

I will identify four conditions that need to be met when effectively using projects as a form of assessment:
Goals and objectives must be clearly communicated via written instructions or a rubric that outlines grading criteria.
Each student must have equal access to the resources need to create an excellent final project. Including computer access and materials.
Keep students on track through intermediate deadlines, progress reports, and helping students overcome obstacles that might derail

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