Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief Essay

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I read Percy Jackson and the lightning thief by Rick Riordan at first I didn’t want to read it but, after being forced to read it by my friend I end up enjoying it. The book is a fantasy/adventure book it talk about Percy a kid who live in new york that has a very important father. His father is a god which makes him a half-blood. After just reading the first few pages I couldn’t put the book it was just amazing book that I bet that you can’t put down either. Its is the first book in a series of many incredible books by Rick Riordan, and you know a book is good if it has a money and of course it does. Also remember the book is always better than the movie. Percy Jackson a six grade in New York city that has a bright future, but not because he is smart because his father is a god. His mother is a human so that mean that he is a half-blood. One day during a field trip Percy and his friend Grover were hangin out when a bully came and attacked Grover and Percy got mad and water from …show more content…

The first major place was the Half-blood Camp. Where Percy and other Half-blood trained to fight monster. They also go to the underworld where Percy and his friends meet Hades and talk to him about things. The point of view in the story is third point told by a narrator. The mood in the story is a mix of confusion, excitement, and just plain awesomeness. The theme of the story is nothing is what it seems because a lot of thing end up being twists. The book wasn’t longest or shortest book i’ve ever read but it was one of my favorites so far. The book writing style was a lot of back and forth from different carter which makes it feel like you're apart of it. The story is also very well told. When every there is an action scene, or something important then the author add imagery in to help you feel like you're watching it.The writing flow very well because you also know what going own in the story it never has a ------ story line

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