Identity in a Small Town: A Personal Experience

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As a girl who grew up in the quaint rural town of Red Creek, NY, my identity has always appeared somewhat obvious. Being that I am the second oldest in a group of five, everyone would infer I was identical to my older sister,who was indeed the all around overachiever and brainiac. Whenever a teacher, classmate, or community member heard that I was a Luckette, they instantaneously concluded I was smart, talented and respectful. I was constantly expected to not only be involved in year round sports and after school activities, but to hold leadership positions within these activities. My guidance counselor presumed I would be taking the most arduous courses, and teachers would habitually refer classmates to me for assistance. Thus, I became …show more content…

Their way of perceiving me influenced the way I viewed myself. I would study harder, knowing I was supposed to ace through school, and I would practice with greater intensity, knowing that I was expected to be captain of the sports teams I was on. They motivated and pushed me to always strive for more. When I thought something was done well enough, they were consistently there to remind me that I could improve more. When I moved to a new school last year it transformed my outlook on everything. Suddenly, my high school had almost 400 kids per class, as opposed to the 70 I was which which I was accustomed. Instantaneously, I wasn't seen as the smart, over achieving, and athletic girl. I wasn't seen as anything. The slate was completely blank, and I could be anything and anyone that I wanted. I had no social expectations, and suddenly did not know who I was anymore. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, and ever since, I have been rediscovering who I am, not who my last name says I should …show more content…

The competitive drive and hard working characteristics that my family instilled in me will be put to use in my future profession of being a pharmacist. Develop these sentences, include more variety. I have also learned many skills from working as a pharmaceutical technician at Wegmans. I have developed the ability to deal with a multitude of diverse people. As I continue on, in life this one skill that I will repeatedly utilize. Additionally, I volunteer at a horseback riding barn working with kids as well as volunteer babysitting through my church. Through these activities I am able to continue to develop who I am, and prepare myself for the future. When babysitting I often times am able to test my patience, and become creative in the ways that I communicate. Another way that I am able to build upon who I am is through helping to coach a riding team. I enjoy teaching what I am passionate about, and it's a great way to combine my competitive spirit and the social aspect of who I am. The skills and traits that I have accumulated throughout life and the many struggles that come with it have contributed to make me who I am, and they allow me to be successful with all that I do; However, I also have so much more to

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