Peer Assessment

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1. What criteria do you consider to be of more importance? Ideas, proper English grammar or both? Support your answer.
I think while doing peer assessment, both ideas and English grammar should be are equally important. This is because there is a real danger of the main gist of an idea being lost or grossly distorted by poor language.
Learning institutions aim to arm the students with tools which will enable them to be most effective in real world. To achieve this aim, it would be remiss of them to understate the importance of language as poor language can greatly undermine the impact and effectiveness of communicated ideas however great they might have been.
Outside of the academia, however, while good command of the English language (or …show more content…

My ideal way of assessing learning would be a hybrid of tutor assessment and pear review, not much different from UOPeople’s model but with a few modifications.
This would be aimed at taking advantage of the different characteristics of each of the methods
For instance, the peer review model would help in easing the effects of the low tutor to student ratio. The increased load on tutors has compromised the quality and timeliness of feedback from tutors. Peer review will ease the pressure on individual tutors and would result in faster and higher quality grading.
Also, peer assessment would partly address the ethics issue because, even if the tutor is compromised, this would be partly countered by the assessment done by the students.
One of the short comings of peer review which is often cited is that students are unlikely to be experts in the same field they are studying bring to question the quality of their feedback and the reliability of their grading. To counter this, the final assessment would be an average of the grades given by at multiple students and would be moderated by a qualified …show more content…

This would be aimed at achieving deeper and more reflective learning compared to the shallow reading with very short term benefits associated with cramming material just to pass exams.
Putting more emphasis on formative grading will also partly address the poor ethics problem as it is harder to sustain cheating throughout a term.
I would also seek to utilize computerised assessment tools especially for multiple choice type of questions. This will add another dimension to learning and they can help partly with the exam cheating problem and the poor tutor to student ratio
. (ICEF Monitor, 2015)
Bostock, S. (n.d.). Student peer assessment. Retrieved September 18, 2016, from
ICEF Monitor. (2015, JUNE 1). Governments and educators in Kenya struggling to keep pace with demand for higher education. Retrieved SEPTEMBER 18, 2016, from
University of New South Wales. (2016). Answering Assignment Questions. Retrieved September 17, 2016, from

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