Pathway Program Research Paper

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I should be selected to participate in the Pathway Program because I have overcome both personal and professional set backs, I have worked tirelessly to complete my high school education, and am a single minded worker that allows nothing to stop me. Throughout my life I have faced setbacks and every time I have surmounted them, whether it be the death of my parents or being diagnosed with bipolar disorder I have refused to let circumstance define me, instead I let it strengthen me. The Pathway Program is perfect for me because if presented with a pathway to success I am strong enough to complete the journey.

Throughout my high school education I have been faced with several challenges and rather than letting the weight and responsibility of my life crush me I endured and completed my task. When my father was gunned down over winter break my freshman year of highschool I did not let the struggle of managing my grief along with my studies stop me from passing any of my classes. When the next year my mother was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer though i did stumble I did not allow myself to be overwhelmed by the situation. I managed a precarious balance between school and home but balance them I did. When the …show more content…

At eighteen I not only hold a full time job but I also moved out into my own home and began living my adult life. I manage both full time school and a job full time. I am a more than capable individual and the one tenant i hold to be be true above all else is: that no matter where you come from or where you have been you can always strive for a better tomorrow and an even better future, the only thing standing in your way is you. I am a perfect candidate for the Pathway Program for that very reason; I have been met with the choice to give up everyday for as long as I can remember and I have never and will never make the choice to surrender to despair or

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