Parvana Quotes

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n many situations throughout this novel Parvana is forced to make life or death decisions not only affecting her but also her family, Parvana is forced into responsibilities no 11-year-old can be expected to carry out however, we see Parvana taking on the responsibilities thrust upon her that push her boundaries and take her out of her comfort zone. Parvana also makes many choices that place responsibility on her, With the support of her friend Shauzia, the girls decide that they will earn money the way they choose to and make great sacrifices to achieve their dream. Responsibility is a key theme throughout the novel and whether chosen or thrust upon her, Parvana demonstrates her love for her family and friends time and time again.
One example proving that Parvana has responsibilities forced upon her was when parvana had the “choice” between becoming a boy and ultimately the death of her family. "In the end, it was really her decision. I'll do it"pg. 66, Parvana was referring to going out into the market as a boy. Although Parvana wouldn't have had to do this if she didn't approve the …show more content…

“I'm not going to Mazar!” This further shows Parvana's strong intent to stay home in the hope of her father returning. This decision was a lot for an eleven-year-old to process due to the different factors. If Parvana left she may have missed the return of her father and would have been unable to help him. However, by making this choice she is putting her life at risk as she doesn't have her parents to protect her. By making the choice of staying home without her family she gave herself more responsibility. "make me proud of you" (13.34) says Parvana's mother, This quote shows that despite the obvious danger of parvana staying her home from Nooria’s wedding her mother is supportive and had grown to trust Parvana's judgement by this

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