Squeaky Quotes

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Squeaky is a girl from the 1980’s, Back then they expect the girls to be dancers and girly girls not Tomboy girls. Squeaky the main character in (Raymond’s run). She is a girl who stands out in a crowd. She is not a girl who wants to dance and wear dresses she want’s run and that is final to her.”I am not a strawberry I run!” Another fact about squeaky likes to get things over with fast not slow like in the song (Believer By Imagine D Dragons.) Another thing about Squeaky is she doesn’t have to do a lot of work around the house unlike most other girls at that time. The only thing she would have to do is take care of her little brother, Raymond who wasn’t just quite right. Squeaky said “I don’t have to do a lot of work around the house, unlike …show more content…

Most young kids have little responsibility other than maby some school work and a few chores, otherwise they are free to be kids and certainly not given the responsibility to take care of someone else. for instance “anything else that’s got to be done my father dose.” “All I have to do is mind my brother Raymond witch is enough.” This quote shows that she has been given the awesome responsibility of taking care of her brother. This is her job as a 10 year old. Instead of being a kid she must assume an adult responsibility . Which includes protecting him from bullies… tough job for a 10year old. As time and life go by squeaky, while she is doing something she loves more than anything else realises something else she never realized about her brother Raymond. This is shown in the text when it says “and by the time he comes over I’m jumping up and down, so glad to see him my brother Raymond, a great runner in the family tradition. This quote shows that despite all of her complaints there is nothing like family and she loves her brother. I spite of watching over him all the time it took this a 50 yard dash for her to realize that after all his following her he was a great runner just like her. Sometime when you are with someone all day you might not notice something that you are in common with them and they are right in front of

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