The Importance of Participation Trophies in Youth Sports

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Scientists and psychologists argue that rewarding effort is beneficial because it provides positive reinforcement. Nowadays the norm is to hand out trophies to everyone on youth sports teams as long as they're on the roster. This is controversial because some believe this teaches kids that losing is okay because they will still get rewarded. This is incorrect because losing is okay and there are more important influences to a child's development. This shows why we should continue awarding kids with participation trophies in youth sports.

If only the best players get trophies, others feel bad and discouraged and most children no longer want to play because they do not believe they are good enough. But if they get a participation trophy they will most likely continue to play, which can shape their future, if they practice.The more kids …show more content…

If a child is forced into the harshness of reality too quickly, it can be bad and cause them to want to give up. This is why participation trophies are so important: they give kids a motivation to continue with the game, and when that day comes when participation trophies are no longer handed out, children will take it a lot easier because it won't mean as much to them--just like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. Once they find out it's not real, they're okay with it because they no longer need it. "Getting trophies makes young kids happy, and so the question is whether there’s anything wrong with this source of happiness and the positive attitude towards sports that it instills." (The basic facts). The question still remains is their any wrong with rewarding kids with participation trophies. Some believe that it can lead to your child being spoiled. But this theory is wrong because a couple of participation trophies now and then is not going to spoil your child its when parents give them everything they want when they want

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