Parenting And Caregiving Styles Essay

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1. Parenting/Caregiving Styles a. Discuss the three different styles, be sure to talk about responsiveness and demandingness. A list of the styles is NOT sufficient. One of the styles that is a positive quality to help guide a child’s behavior is the Authoritative style. The Authoritative style is both of a high demandingness and high responsiveness. Caregivers or teachers uses the Authoritative style to expect a mature development in a child’s behavior. Moreover, parents do not scold their children. Indeed they confront their children in a respectful way with the Authoritative style. The second style is the Authoritarian. The Authoritarian style is high demandingness and low responsiveness. Some parents uses the Authoritarian style to discipline their children. Most of the parents are very demanding and they communicate with their children in a bad way. For example, some parents would say “Come here now!” instead of “Could you come here now, please?” However, the Authoritarian style is a negative approach. The third style is Permissive which is low in demandingness. In this case the Permissive style is negative. However, some parents let their children to be in charge of their behavior. Practically, some parents let their children make their own decisions. Some parents do not care or intend to care about their children’s behavior. …show more content…

What do they see as the child’s role in guidance? The teacher’s role? Erikson’s theory view a child who is constantly developing. A child who is going to find his way later in his late years. First, a child is guiding himself with the help of parents and caregivers. Then, the child would turn into adulthood and will be able to guide himself by gaining experiences. In contrast, the teacher’s role is more of a picture. The children’s will view their teachers as a role for guidance. A role that will be beneficial for both the student and teacher. The teacher will be able to help a child grow by lecturing him and guiding his

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