Paleolithic Era Patriarchy

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In the Paleolithic era, men and women equally contributed towards survival. Men and women were responsible for hunting and gathering respectively. Additionally, the birth rate was very low and there was no need for a large population during this time. Only a small group of people was needed for hunting and picking food from the environment. When agriculture was introduced about 10,000 years ago, it caused patriarchy due to the higher value men obtained due to ownership of land as well as being responsible for more of the labor. There was also a huge need for a larger population. The output of this seemed to favor male gods over female goddesses, and women found their freedom being severely limited.
Patriarchy was developed by the higher value men gained, leading to society favoring more gods over goddesses. When agriculture came into full play, the most apparent jobs like …show more content…

Generally, as an amount of land ownership increases, it would need more protection. So as cities grew in size, people needed a military to protect the area. In addition to military, the progress of agriculture also called for a larger population to harvest and plant crops. This caused the population to grew immensely, and women found themselves nursing more often. They spent the majority of their time looking after children, restricting them from any other outside activities they used to do.(Stearns, 20). This helped free up men to be in the military, as well as do most of the agricultural work which made their importance skyrocket. They eventually held more of the rights women did not have access to such as property ownership. Men ended up having more power and authority over women, leading to an unequal balance of freedom between the two genders. This uneven balance helped patriarchy grow and expand vibrantly into what it has become

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