Pablo Escobar Papers

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Don of All Drug Lords Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, the man that ruled cocaine distribution around the world, and devastated it in the process. Pablo Escobar’s influence and fame were so vast and reaching he outgrew his britches. Escobar’s vision and narcissistic approach which rose him to become the most intelligent, violent and influential political figure of narcotics and the Medellin cartel; which, led to the fatal bullet ending him on the rooftop of an abandoned house in his home town. Growing up Escobar was exposed to many things that coerced him to be the man he became. Pablo Escobar grew up during a time called La Violencia (The Violence) it was a time of civil war between the Columbian Conservative Party and the Columbian
However, vast numbers of people were killed on his command. His particular way of handling any authorities questioning his actions was to bribe them or to kill them, or ‘plata o plomo’, Colombian slang for ‘money or bullets’.Escobar was believed to have had Medellin drug lord Fabio Restrepo murdered in 1975, in order to take over full leadership of the Medellin Cartel. A decade later, in 1985, the Colombian Supreme Court was studying the constitutionality of Colombia’s extradition treaty with the United States. It was besieged by left-wing Colombian guerrillas from the 19th of April Movement (M-19) and half the court’s judges were murdered. Escobar was thought to have been responsible for this action but this was never proven. The 1989 bombing of a Bogota security building was attributed to Escobar. A number of American intelligence reports claimed that Escobar‘s cartel was planning to kill President Bush Sr. with a bomb on his visit to Cartegena in 1989, which did not transpire. In the early 1990s, Escobar reportedly had Luis Carlos Galan and two other Liberal Party candidates for Colombian president assassinated, as they posed a threat to everything Escobar upheld. A few months later, Escobar had a bomb planted on an aero plane on which presidential candidate Cesar Gaviria was travelling. Avianca Flight 203 was blown out of the sky, killing 110 people. Escobar apparently caught one of his servants

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