Pablo Escobar Jail

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La Catedral was nothing compared to a jail, it was more like a luxury mansion, but what less could be expected from the biggest drug lord in history. According to Sean Cunningham Escobar had negotiated with the government, so that he would live as a free man within the jail boundaries, Pablo Escobar prohibited the Colombian National Police to be near his luxury prison within a 12-mile radius. “Indeed, Escobar carefully planned virtually every aspect of the prison…insisting on a lush mountainside location to allow him a great view-particularly of potential attackers. Thanks to the fog surrounding it and the location’s steep topography, it made air assaults difficult if not impossible (Cunningham).” Escobar’s power was off the charts. His …show more content…

16 months after being captured by the government of Colombia, Escobar decided to flee the prison he was in when he found out he was going to be transferred to a more secure prison. Escobar once again led the search bloc on a manhunt to bring him down. The price on his head this time was $11 million dead or alive. Steven Ambrus, who reported Pablo’s death for the LA Times declared, “Hundreds of soldiers and police surrounded Escobar's Medellin hide-out, which they had identified through a traced phone call, and killed the drug lord and a bodyguard in a 20-minute shootout when the two tried to escape via the roof.” Escobar had just turned 44 when he was surprised by the Colombian troops. The Colombian Government declared his death as a triumph for the country (Ambrus). Till this day there is no clear evidence of who killed …show more content…

The first theory assures that the Search Bloc killed the biggest Colombian Narco. According to Christopher Woody a journalist for Business Insider, the Search Bloc tracked down Escobar to his hometown of Medellin and located him while he was talking the phone with his son. They then went on and got a visual of the target, which was Pablo. The search bloc proceeded to surround the house where Pablo had just celebrated his 44th birthday. “Members of the Search Bloc surrounded the home while others stormed through the door… Escobar and a bodyguard stumbled out a back window onto an orange-tiled roof. They were met with a hail of gunfire, and both fell from shots to their heads — Escobar with one that entered his right ear and killed him instantly (Woody).” The shot was fatal and killed Escobar instantly. The second theory blames “Los Pepes” or otherwise known as People Persecuted by Pablo Escobar for Escobar’s death. Los Pepes was a group formed by rival traffickers, and others hated by the Medellin Cartel. The Search Bloc and Los Pepes would unite forces to kill the drug lord, and although there is not a lot of evidence, a member of Los Pepes is blamed for his death, but no names have been revealed. The last person to point fingers at is Pablo himself, his son Juan Pablo Escobar has asserted that took his own life in that Medellin rooftop. According to Woody, “Escobar told his son numerous times that he would shoot himself

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