Overeaters Anonymous Meeting Reflection

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I attended an open Overeaters Anonymous meeting on Wednesday, September 2, 2015. Members gathered in the basement of Overbrook Presbyterian Church on N. High St. in Columbus, Ohio at 7:00 p.m. The meeting lasted a little over an hour. Upon entering the room, everyone sat around a large, rectangular table that was sparsely populated for the size of the group. The number of members fluctuated between twelve and fifteen, as some individuals came in late and others came and left before the conclusion of the meeting. By way of demographics, all group participants were middle-age. The ratio of females to males in attendance was approximately 4:1 and the perceived leader of the group was female. Similarly to the members of the group, the female …show more content…

She read a part of the passage, and when she chose to stop reading, had the choice to either “pass” or elaborate on the section she had just finished reading and what may have resonated with her in regards to her personal struggle with overeating. The person sitting next to her then continued reading the passage from where she stopped. The above described process continued for each member until someone completed the chapter. Before reading began, the leader informed the members that “in the interest of time” each member, if he or she chose to comment on the passage after reading, needed to limit him or herself to three minutes. A member set a timer to ensure adherence to this policy. At the conclusion of each chapter, the leader encouraged a general discussion of the piece, as each appeared to have a theme to the writing. Following the dialogue, a new member picked another passage at random, and the reading continued in an identical manner. During the span of the hour long meeting, members read and commented on four passages from the book, leaving ten minutes at the end of the meeting for any member to start a conversation about any topic not addressed in the readings. At the very end of the meeting, all the members stood in a circle, and joining hands, recited the “serenity prayer”

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