Ao2 Week 2 Body Project Reflection

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AOII Getting a response from AOII truly felt like my first accomplishment, however that was just the beginning. In the past, the Body Project has done short presentations as well as panel discussions, so I was not exactly starting from scratch. However, as an Advocate at the VOICE Center, I have learned that it’s important to meet people where they are at, so I took that into great consideration when making a new presentation (Body Project, 2016). In the past, Body Project presentations have been delivered in nutrition classes, and often those students have an understanding of the challenges that come with body acceptance and healthy eating. Fundamentally, I knew that there should be some different points included on this presentation because …show more content…

The peak adventure consisted of two hikes, one of which was to Storm Castle and the other was to Spyes Canyon. These hikes were chosen because they are difficult enough that it’s somewhat of a challenge, but also because they were moderate enough for the group. These hikes took place two weeks apart, as well as both sessions of the Body Project were included, prior to going hiking that same morning. In the past we have done one other trip with the Outdoor Recreation Center, and for that adventure we went ice climbing. Never in a million years did I think I had the ability to ice climb, but when you get in this amazing mindset with all these other wonderful women, it’s as if you can do anything. In regards to the Ladies Peak Adventure, the dates for this trip had previously been set before I had gotten my internship; so, it was then on me to advertise and get signups for the adventure. My first thought to get advertising going was to create some posters that could be planted in different areas around campus, which was accomplished by our graphic designer making the posters. I also felt it would be beneficial to put up the advertisements on the television screens in the dining halls, and the resident halls. In turned out that we were successful in sign-ups, we had eight girls signed up to participate, ten days prior to the event. For the first session, we had six of the eight women show up, and for the second session we only had one participant show. This was incredibly disappointing and it was hard to not take it personally. However, the girls had their reasons for not making it; one had an eye infection, one got scheduled to work, one had the wrong date, and so on. I had been sure to send out emails, reminder emails, etc., but often things come up and plans get ruined, this is why I think it may

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