Overbearing Parenting In Coraline's Case

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A perfect example of overbearing parenting in Coraline’s case is her other parents, mainly her other mother. The first time Coraline met her other parents, I noticed immediately how much they seemed to “care”. When I say “care” I do not mean in a sense of warmth and love; I mean in a sense of control and malicious intentions. This is evident when Coraline’s other parents want to keep her in the other world and ask Coraline to sew buttons to replace her eyes (Coraline 43). The other parents both encouraged her, as well as sew the buttons on (Coraline 43). I believe this should have been a sign to Coraline, because what kind of parent wants to harm their child or let their child be harmed. Even though Coraline’s other parents were trying to keep her happy, they changed their …show more content…

In response to Coraline leaving, the other mother decides to take Coraline’s real parents. It is my belief, she was attempting to get rid of the competition. This, in my opinion, is another great example of how overbearing the other mother is. She cannot stand the thought of anyone else having input or adding value to Coraline’s life because she needs to be Coraline’s sole source of nurturing. The other mother has complete control over what happens in the other world and she does not want Coraline to go back to her real home and potentially tell her real mother what is happening. Even though I do not believe that Coraline’s other mother is aware of the relationship between Coraline and her real mother, she still believes the real mother would “take” Coraline from her. The other mother is also overbearing in the sense that she begins to “act” like her mother even punishing Coraline when she has been disrespectful and dared to defy her. (Coraline 76-78). This is truly the defining moment in which I believe Coraline realizes how overbearing her other mother is and how much she misses her real

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