Argumentative Essay On Extreme Parenting

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Extreme Parenting
When Amy Chua, a professor at Yale, wrote her personal memoir in 2011 called Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, controversy arose regarding the topic of an extreme parenting type called a “Tiger Mom” (Tiger Mom). When The Wall Street Journal posted an excerpt from Chua’s book on their website, it received over 7,000 comments both positive and negative including death threats (Extreme Parenting). In her book, Chua describes is forcing her 7-year old daughter to stay up all night without bathroom or drink breaks until she was able to play a certain piano piece (Extreme Parenting). Her daughter rebels, drops violin, and takes up tennis (Luscombe). Extreme parents exert great pressure on their child to meet expectations, and if they are not met, the child may be punished (Hatter). The MacMillan Dictionary defines a tiger mom as “a very strict mother who makes her children work particularly hard and restricts their free time so they continually achieve the highest grades,” (Tiger Mother).
Extreme parenting is absurd and irrational; bringing up a child this way is harmful, unrealistic, and unfair to the child and his or her future. Research shows extreme parenting has negative effects on children’s mental health and limits their personal development. …show more content…

Telling a child they have to be number one in every subject, leads them to believe anything less is unsatisfactory. These children who are disciplined too harshly will become insecure adolescents and anxious adults (Extreme Parenting). Kwan Lee is the father of a student who attends OCT. He says, “The children of ‘Tiger Moms’ are too programmed. They get into a good college, but they don’t know what to do next,” (Yi). Such children lack initiative because their decisions have been made for them by their parents (Extreme Parenting). This leads to feelings of unsureness during the college

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