Outline On Anxiety

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Anxiety comes in several forms and levels and can be triggered by various situations for different people.
Why do people react to anxiety differently?
Why do some simple everyday situations cause anxiety in some people?
Why are some people’s anxiety worse than others? Body Paragraph 1: (Use as many sentences under the topic sentence to fully explain or prove your topic sentence.)
Topic Sentence (TS) People react to anxiety differently. 1. They don’t want to experience any situations that could possibly turn out as an embarrassment (won’t talk on the phone, give their opinions, order food, or introduce themselves to people) (“Social”). Anxious people are so afraid of being judged that they feel like everybody is against them and they’ll avoid as many situations as possible where the outcome of the event is indeterminate.

2. Usually people’s reactions depend on if it is a mental or physical problem, also depending on the type of anxiety …show more content…

Locations where anxiety victims have had bad experience can be a trigger to anxiety so they will try to avoid the place, they will have flashbacks to the experience, they can’t sleep, and have a hard time focusing (“Anxiety”). If an anxious person is somewhere they’ve been before and maybe something embarrassing happened, their brain may connect the memory and the place together, causing them to panic. Also, even if they aren’t necessarily at the place they may have flashbacks or dreams that they are in the same situation again.

6. Stay away from places where they might have to be social, like parties, hanging out with friends, or anywhere in public, even if they are generally comfortable with the person (“Anxiety”). Anxious people generally avoid talking when possible which includes staying home instead of going somewhere, even if it’s fun.

7. Anxiety is not just any fear, it is fear of something that isn’t supposed to cause fear, not fearing things that are intended to be scary

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