Othello As An Outsider Essay

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Written in the year of 1603 Othello is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare. An eponymous tragic hero, also known as ‘the moor’ is the centre character of the play. Even though he is seen as an ‘old black ram’ Othello is the general in the Venetian army and married to a ‘gentle’ Venetian lady. However due to his tragic flaw of being credulous and jealousies he paid the ultimate price in the end.
Shakespeare demonstrates how Othello, ‘the Moor’, is seen as an outsider because of the colour of his skin. In the beginning of Act one scene one Iago, Othello’s flag barrier who failed to be promoted as a lieutenant have a heated conversation with Roderigo -- Iago referred Othello as ‘his Moorship’s ancient’ while arguing that Casio (who managed to be a lieutenant) is just a ‘bookish theoric’ who haven’t been on battle before and only …show more content…

Despite his warlike nature, Othello remains calm in a heated situation in which he is accused of witchcraft. Just as Iago is ready to use is sword to fight Othello he said to Iago that his status and experience are far better ‘than with your weapons’; then as Brabantio asks to ‘lay hold upon him’ he asking more information such as where to answer his inquires. These examples shows that even in serious situation Othello fails to panic but to be rational to think of possible solutions without using physical force.
Shakespeare thus presents Othello as loving and gentle; he is a devoted husband. Again prior to leaving Desdemona for battle with ‘Turks’ he humbly asks Duke to make appropriate arrangements for his wife (‘Most humbly therefore bending to your state’) Meanwhile Desdemona response to Othello’s loving and gentle traits with her loyalty. ‘By his dear absence. Let me go with

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