Osteoid Osoma

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Chronic pain related to bone disease secondary to benign tumor as evidenced by complaints of pain, guarding behavior, facial grimaces, limping, alterations in sleep patterns, and alteration in muscle. tone.
This nursing diagnosis is appropriate for client, as he has struggled with pain for the last eight months. Osteoid osteoma is a painful experience that could have a domino effect on an adolescent psychosocial development as well, such as disturbed body image, powerlessness and low self-esteem. It is is crucial, especially during the adolescence period that this will be addressed and a proper intervention be placed, to alleviate the client’s physical pain, as well as preventing possible psychosocial issues of the adoslescent.

Wellness nursing diagnosis and rationale:.

Readiness for enhanced health perception management …show more content…

This includes discussion with his parents about staying active in sports, knowing when to rest, taking NSAIDs as needed. Taking charge and getting involved in his own care decreases feelings of powerlessness and promotes compliance for enhanced management of therapeutic regimen.

“Risk” nursing diagnosis and rationale:

Risk for disturbed body image related to alterations in physical mobility.
Limping, facial grimaces, guarding behavior and alteration in muscle tone could all lead to a disturbed body image. The client is at risk for developing a negative body image, affected by changes in the structure or function of his body (Gulanick, 2006). Social relationships, such as peers, are particularly important during this time. It is worthwhile to present to the client the disease process for further understanding and encouraging him to express his feelings can enhance the coping strategies. Discuss treatment options and keep an open communication.

Summary and wellness plan for the

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