Ordinary People Movie Analysis

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In the award-winning movie Ordinary People, the Jarrett family struggles with the recent death of their son Buck. The film tells the story of how the loss of a loved one can result in the total collapse of a loving family. All of the conflicts that appear in this movie can be traced back to Maslowś hierarchy of human needs. Maslow´s theory illustrates the idea that all humans have a pyramid of needs, and that each level needs to be filled before the one above can be achieved. In all the conflicts that the Jarrett family get into, they always lack in the conflict management area. Beth Jarrett does not know how to show her emotions correctly and Conrad suffers because of this, Calvin Jarrett does not recognize the severity of the problems and …show more content…

She is not able to talk about Buck or treat Conrad as Buck’s equal. It seems like after Buck’s death Beth is not willing to love and care for Conrad because of the emotional trauma she went through. There are a few scenes in the film that describes both her silence and violence well. The first one is when she is not willing to take a picture with Conrad when all the family gets together. She is very dismissive about it and tries her hardest to get out of taking the picture, a form of withdrawing. The ends up in a large argument between Beth, Conrad, and Calvin. A way she could have gone about this better is explaining why she does not feel comfortable with situation and using the C.R.I.B method. Beth should to talk to Conrad about what they both want and how they can come to a compromise. If the two together brainstorm ideas maybe they could have achieved a common goal. A way Beth exhibits violence is when she mentions to Conrad and Calvin that she found that Conrad had quit the swim team. She storms and starts to yell and accuse Conrad. This is called attacking. What Beth should of done is approach Conrad and speak to him respectfully and only state observable facts. Together they could have discussed the reason why Conrad quit the swim team and what needs to be done about …show more content…

A scene that exhibits silence is right at the beginning of the movie. Beth and Calvin come home late to find that Conrad is still awake. This is unusual because he school the next morning. Conrad is masking through him lying about not being able to sleep and saying that he had been up reading and doing homework. What Conrad should have done is come to his dad and state that he has a problem. The only way problems can be solved is if you address the need and make progress. Conrad also shows violence in the camera scene. Calvin is trying to take a picture of Conrad and his mother. Beth does not want the picture so she asks for the camera. Calvin insists that they get a picture together. Conrad explodes and starts screaming and cursing about the camera. He uses displacement and turns his anger onto a simple picture and camera. What he should have done is step out of the situation and cool down. Then come back and discuss what the problem is and what has to be done to fix

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