Orange Sky Laundry Essay

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An everyday hero can be defined as someone who sees a need and goes and does something about it without seeking any benefits for themselves. For many years there have been food vans to feed those who are hungry, charities to distribute items of need and shelter to those who are going through a rough patch. But what no one had thought of was a mobile washing service to not only wash the clothes of but to restore respect to the homeless.
The two creators behind this mobile laundry service, Orange Sky Laundry, and the most recent recipients of the Young Australian of the Year Award are Nic Marchesi and Lucas Patchett. These two gentlemen are certainly great examples of what is an everyday hero is through their actions of establishing the world’s …show more content…

Partaking in this helped them to see the world from a different perspective and just how much of a problem homelessness in Australia is with 105,000 Australians per night being homeless. It was from this experience that both Nic and Matt wanted to do their little bit and from this Orange sky laundry has evolved.
Through Nic and Matt’s creative thinking and hard work, Orange Sky Laundry has expanded to ten vans providing a basic human rights in currently 72 locations across the country. Through something simple, having clean and fresh clothes, it allows for respect for these people going through a hard time to be restored, increased health standards and hygiene and a reduced strain on …show more content…

But they are also working on establishing Orange Sky Showers to provide yet another basic human need to the homeless. Working towards their mission of connecting the community through restoring respect for the homeless. In today’s contemporary world what is meant to be a hero is often mistaken by that portrayed in the media, through film and books. Far too often people think of heroes only as someone who risks there life to save another. But a hero is simply just someone who goes out of their way to do something for someone else and make a positive difference in their lives.
Nic and Matt certainly meet this description of a hero as through their work they are making a huge difference in the lives of the homeless and through encouraging others to help as well. Thorough there work they are helping to not only improve the lives of the homeless through allowing them easy access to basic human needs but also by working to restore respect for these members of the

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