Marvin Pearson Hero

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What is a hero? A hero is not one with a cape or unexplainable powers like strength or flight, but a hero can be an everyday common person. This common person is more unique than any of us thought of him or her to be. They would would go out of their way to help someone else in danger. A hero is one who will not give up in any scenario, one who will sacrifice themselves to help others, and one who doesn’t want popularity for themselves. A hero is one who will not give up in any scenario. A hero is one that wants to inspire. Marvin Pearson, a 16 year old boy, is both deaf and blind from Pottstown, Pennsylvania. This man inspires others by not giving up, he still plays football as a running back or the quarterback position. Even though Pearson was blind and deaf, he didn’t let these disabilities stop him from doing what he loves. While on the Ellen Degeneres Show, Pearson said, “People with disabilities can do anything you can do”(DeGeneres). Pearson inferring that anybody with a disability can do anything a person without a disability can do. …show more content…

A hero will sacrifice themselves to others in danger. A true hero puts others before him/herself. An example of a hero is Abraham Lincoln. He was assassinated for his belief of race equality. He put himself to risk for wanting to abolish slavery in The United States of America. He was later assassinated for abolishing slavery in 1865. In the 20/20 Documentary about Malala Yousafzai, Malala stated, “If a man can go, why can’t a woman” (“Unbreakable”). This quote changed her life forever. Her belief for gender equality in Pakistan, lead her to be paralyzed on the left side of her face. She was shot in the head by the Taliban for her belief in gender equality. She sacrificed one side of her face to gain education for the woman of

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