What is a Hero?- Enrique’s Journey

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Has one ever wondered what a true hero might be? The dictionary definition describes a hero as a person who is typically a man that is idolized for special qualities or things he might have done. Is this all completely true? Can anyone truly be a hero without any of this? A true hero is defined by his/her ability to break laws when need be, not have all the knowledge in the world but is able to apply what has been learnt when needed, and noticing differences in different cultures and accepting them.
Anyone can truly be a hero, even in real life. Heroes can be people who simply have an idea and decide to grow onto that idea and have it done. For example, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi were real life heroes who started out as ordinary people but had a dream and made a huge difference in the end. Nelson Mandela, a Civil Rights activists, once said, “We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference” (Lazaro). Nelson Mandela was trying to say that anybody can make a difference, but it is up to that person or people to make that change. One simple change could cause any simple person to have a major change in lifestyle just because they decided to step up and do something. Furthermore, anyone can be a hero, it doesn’t matter what one’s background is, one can make even the simplest of changes and become a hero to oneself and the people around them.
Enrique’s Journey was a book that focused on many different characters as heroes throughout the stories progression. Within the story, there were many minor characters that played more of a hero than the actual main character did. In the story, there was a character named, Olga. She was a Mexican woman who was sick and injured herself...

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... is not simply defined by his/her strength or looks; it is also their inner strength and beauty that is truly important. A hero can have many qualities but when they show true understanding for something even without proper education, they are accepting of those around them, and breaking rules when the time is at its most important. While there are true heroes, there are also anti-heroes which have the opposite qualities that of the true hero. Furthermore, there are many kinds of heroes but a true hero is defined by inner qualities that of outer qualities.

Work Cited Page
Lazaro, Auj. Latinpost.com. N.p., 6 Dec. 2013. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. .
Nazario, Sonia. Enrique's Journey. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2002 . N. pag. Print.

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