Oral Hygiene Habits

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Growing up, most oral hygiene habits are developed early in life, it is very important that from day one children, teenagers, as well as adults create and practice good oral hygiene habits to avoid the many affects of bad oral hygiene. Taking care of children’s teeth begins after birth. Before most children even have their teeth, parents should begin cleaning their child 's gums from birth with a soft toothbrush or cloth as recommended by The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Doing this helps to keep the baby’s mouth clean as well as helping the baby get accustomed to teeth brushing. Getting the baby used to having a clean mouth. Once the first tooth makes its entrance it is time to start brushing the child’s teeth with a soft infant …show more content…

Once someone enters their teen years there will be different factors that will add to the ways a person should care for their teeth. Some things do not change, however, teenagers should still be flossing daily and brushing twice daily using fluoride toothpaste. There is also a higher prevalence of gingivitis among teens than prepubertal children or adults. If the teenager is physically active, he or she should wear a mouth guard while being active to avoid injury to the teeth. The teenager should also avoid sugary drinks or snacks such as soda, Gatorade, or candy. Avoiding bad habits like smoking, chewing tobacco or even drugs is also imperative in any person’s health, but it is important to make sure the teenager is aware of the negative affects it can have on their teeth. 88% of smokers develop the bad habit of smoking bad habit by the time they are eighteen. Smoking and the use of chewing tobacco are usually associated with oral cancer and cancers of the head and neck. Aside from that many teenagers also go through a phase wanting piercings; however, a piercing on any part of the mouth including lips and tongue piercing can cause damage to their teeth. Oral health problems associated with oral jewelry include swallowing the jewelry, aspirating the jewelry, fractured teeth, gingival recession, and speech impairment. Many …show more content…

Brushing and flossing are equally as important as they were in the earlier years, adding a mouth wash to a morning and evening routine could also add some extra protection against plaque and decay. Regular six-month visits with the dentist to maintain the health of an adult’s teeth is very important. If any decay is discovered by the dentist it is important to get it removed as soon as possible, so it does not spread. The dentist may also recommend removing third molars as they can potentially cause crowding, cavities, inflamed gums, sinus issues, jaw damage, as well as damage to other teeth. Several published studies found that gum disease is a risk factor for coronary artery disease so good oral hygiene habits could also help minimize a persons chance for heart disease or at minimum aid in not making it

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