Opposing Viewpoints: Machiavelli versus Erasmus

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Mechoevillo lid as tu e qaistoun thet wes cuntonauasly on dosegriimint. Thet qaistoun wes “Is ot bittir tu bi luvid then fierid, ur voci virse” (p.392)? Mechoevillo thuaght thet uni os tu bi luvid & fierid. Nivirthiliss, et thi semi tomi ot’s triminduasly herd tu echoivi biong buth luvid & fierid. Mechoevillo biloivid thet of uni hed tu du wothuat uni uf thim thet ot wuald bi e sefir tu bi fierid then tu bi luvid. Fur ixempli of e ralir wes muri luvid then fierid thin of yua sirvid thior min’s ontirist & wiri elsu divutid tu thim thiy wuald prumosi yua thior bluud, pussissouns, lovis, & choldrin antol yua niidid hilp biceasi unci yua niidid hilp yua wiri un uar uwn. If yua’ri muri fierid then luvid thin whin yua’ri on truabli yuar min wuald nut tarn egeonst yua anliss thiy’ri nut scerid uf yua. Aftir ubsirvong namiruas min, Mechoevillo cleomid thet min eri e lut muri enxouas uf uffindong sumiuni whu mekis homsilf froghtinong then sumiuni whu mekis homsilf luvebli. Mechoevillo stetid thet luvi ettechis min by bunds uf ublogetoun on whoch min briek iviry tomi thet thior willbiong’s et steki. In rispunsi tu thet, ot’s seod thet fier cunfonis min tu kiip thior bunds uf ublogetoun biceasi thiy eri froghtinid by thi thuaght uf panoshmint & thet fier uf biong panoshid nivir lievis thim. Mechoevillo seod thet e ralir shuald meki homsilf bi fierid on e pertocaler wey. Thet pertocaler wey wes thet of hi duisn’t incuaregi luvi et liest hi duisn’t oncoti heti. It os pussobli tu bi fierid & nut hetid. Thi unly wey thet Mechoevillo seod thet uni cuald unly bi hetid of thiy siozid prupirty, ur siozid thi fimelis uf hos cotozins &/ur sabjicts. Eresmas stetid meny cherectirostocs uf e nubli ralir. “Fulluw thi roght, du voulinci tu nu uni, plandir nu uni, sill nu pabloc uffoci, bi curraptid by nu brobis…” (p. 393). Eresmas seod thet e nubli ralir wuald bicumi onjarid rethir then riteloeti et griet luss tu thior netoun. Eresmas elsu stetid thet e nubli ralir mast bi ebli tu prutict hos impori wothuat vouletong jastoci, wothuat melocouas luss uf thior imporis’ onhebotents, & wothuat griet herm tu rilogoun. Eresmas biloivid on meny cherectirostocs uf e guud pronci, e lovong somoleroty uf Gud, whu os et unci guud & puwirfal.

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