One Hundred Dollars: A Fictional Narrative

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On a very sunny day Chris was walking down on his block. He keeps walking until he said a green paper once he saw closely and he saw an hundreds dollars in the floor. While he was looking at it he was watching around because he though some one was seeing him and there was a man but he didn’t see him. He didn’t now what to do with it. That was his lucky day because he found the hundreds dollars. He was worried because he now’s that someone seen him. That day he got home and remembered that when he was checking he saw a man standing in the wall. Then Chris is thinking that the man is going to think that he is a thief. He was so worried he hoped the man didn’t though he was a thief. When he bend down and scoped the money he saw someone …show more content…

So he needs to decide what to do with the hundreds dollars. He is so confused cause he didn’t now what to do with it. If I was him I wouldn’t worry. His house was three houses down so he ran so fast. The man saw when he got the man. He barely noticed that a man dropped the man when he was walking. He didn’t now what to do with the money. He was so worried. Then Chris was thinking and he made a choice his choice is to as to keep the money. So he resolution was that he keep the money. So he told his family but that day he didn’t give them nothing yet. He said that he never seen an hundred dollars before. So he recognized but it was clearly he though it was fake but it was labeled like an 100 dollars. At he store his mom asked him for some money for she could buy some food. He said that not yet cause he wasn’t sure if he should keep it. So he was planning to walk by the street that he found the hundreds dollars. Then he went while he was walking he saw an poster that said that a man lost hundred dollars in that street and it had his phone number and he copied the number and he went home. When he got home he called him and he said if they could meet him. He meet him and he said that he had the money so he said that he could keep half and he will keep the other so they both kept 50 each other

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