One Day Walk Research Paper

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The Time I Forgot How to Walk. Ever forgot how to do a daily thing within a blink of an eye? Ever received an injury doing something one does every single day, every hour? Many accidents have happened by not paying attention to what is in front of their eyes or around their environment. Some accidents could have not occurred by being a little more careful and aware. I learned to be more aware, less careless from falling and getting an injury. I started my day the same way I always did on that day. I woke up and ate breakfast. I watched television and many other things. In the midafternoon, I decided that I was going to go on my daily walk. I go on this walk every day and every day I try to go further and further. This walk was short lived. …show more content…

In front of me was a bridge, the edge of the bridge has a little bit of a step. I went on this bridge many times a week and I knew to step up. As I got closer and closer, I became increasingly obvious to my surroundings and what is a few feet ahead of me. Just as I was needing to step up, I did not. I crashed to the ground and a loud screech from me filled the thin air. I just fell at a place I go every single day. When I started to regain my breath, and started realizing what happened, I realized I had excoriating pain arising from my ankle. The pain was close to unbearable. Even with the pain, I felt my face light up with embarrassment. When the pain finally subsides a little, I sat up and unplugged my head phones and hurriedly called my mom to come get me because I did not think I could make it back walking. I knew in my head that my mother could not drive her car on the trail and would have to just help me walk. I dreaded having to get up and try to walk back to the car. To me the car seemed a million miles …show more content…

To my surprise and relieve, I could have an x-ray. I expected the x-ray to show the worst, that my ankle was broken. A nurse did the x-ray then returned me to my room to wait and wait and wait. After about only 20 minutes the doctor arrived in my room to discuss the result even though it felt like an eternity. I scooted to the edge of the clean smelling hospital bed thinking it would speed up the results. To much of my relief and happiness he breaks the news that my ankle is not broken just fractured. I felt the happiness take over and a smile broke out on my face but then dropped when he continued and said that I would still need therapy and a cast for 4 weeks. I now knew what my schedule is going to be made of instead of walking. The only good part is I learned a tough lesson on paying more attention to my

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