Olinka Women In The Color Purple

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It was something she had to learn to be in able to survive. She had to fight off her father, brothers, and uncles while they sexualized and assaulted her as a child. This fight she had instilled in her from childhood was taken with her into marriage. This fight is also why she ended up in prison. The mayor’s wife asked Sofia to be her maid and she said no. She kept saying no and because she was black, she was put in prison for fighting against what the mayor’s wife asked. The Olinka women that are in the village where Nettie, who is Celie’s sister, travels to is where the women in this book are mistreated the most. While the mistreatment of the Olinka women horrible it is still different to Celie’s. There is article titled Walker, Alice 1944– that has been edited by Jelena O. Krstovic …show more content…

“Nettie's letters allow her to gather and convey her understanding of cross-cultural gender parallels and differences” (Krstovic 382). What Celie and the Olinka women have in common is not getting an education. The Olinka people won’t let the girls in their village get an education. This is similar to how Celie doesn’t get an education. She was aloud to get an education when she was younger, but when she became pregnant she wasn’t aloud to go to school. When one of Olinka girls tries and that is Tashi. Tashi is one of the girls in the village and she tries to go to school with all of the boys. The Olinka people try and take her away from getting that education. They do this because they don’t believe in women getting an education; that is what their husbands are for. In The Color Purple, a letter written by Nettie to Celie says, “The Olinka do not believe girls should be educated. When I asked a mother why she thought this, she said: a girl is nothing to herself; only to her husband can she become something” (Walker 156). They think the women are nothing

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