Defining Heroism in 'Things Fall Apart'

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In the novel, “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe, there are two examples of a hero and a coward. The main character, Okonkwo, is the example of the hero and his father is the example of a coward. The traits that make Okonkwo a hero is his determination, strength, and wealth. He is a self-made hero, and due to his hardworking attitude, he is viewed positively in the eyes of his tribe. His father, however, was lazy and poor. He couldn’t provide for his family and was heavily in debt. Due to this, he was viewed negatively in the eyes of the tribe. Based on Igbo culture, a hero during these times would have to be hardworking and determined, family-oriented, and a wealthy and successful person.

The most important quality of a hero in Igbo culture is being hardworking because their economy depends on root-crop farming. This implies that their economy is heavily impacted by agriculture, which means the hero would have to be a hard worker in order to amass a large amount of land which would also allow them to acquire a lot of yams. This would also require the hero to be strong and determined because in order to gain all of these resources, they would have to be committed and able to do a lot of labor-intensive work. The quality of strength could also tie into the hero …show more content…

This is a required quality because without wealth, they wouldn’t be able to provide for their family. Due to the fact that social status is based on a person’s wealth, this hero wouldn’t be able to be a hero if they were poor. For example, in “Things Fall Apart”, Okonkwo’s’ father was poor and heavily in debt. This meant he wasn’t able to provide for his family. Due to this, many people of his tribe viewed him in a negative light. On the other hand, Okonkwo was a self-made hero who acquired all his wealth through hard work. Due to this, he was a well-respected person in his tribe, and an example of a hero in Igbo

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