Of Mice And Men Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Of Mice and Men (37) written by John Steinbeck uses many different rhetorical strategies to develop a very enthralling story. The strategies Steinbeck uses form a theme throughout the story that justifies what george did to lennie. Characterization, mood and setting all play a huge role in manipulating the reader's emotions to feel that what george did to lennie was warranted. Characterization plays a huge role in the mood and the feeling of all the events leading up to George shooting Lennie. Throughout the book Steinbeck continuously describes lennie as not being as smart and sometimes having violent tendencies. In contrast, George is described as being quick witted but being also calm and cool. Many times throughout the book, Lennie’s lack of common sense creates a problem that George needs to fix. Sometimes, it requires …show more content…

From the beginning of the book to the end, the use of setting greatly enhances the reader's experience so they can enjoy and follow the story better. From the beginning where steinbeck describes cool blue water to the end where a calm barn setting or a heron sweeping across the water paint vivid pictures, Especially at the end of the book, setting was a very powerful tool used to calm the reader. With sentences such as (heron sweeping across water). This calms the reader and makes him feel at peace so when a major plot event happens such as george killing lennie the reader feels less sadness and more a sense of finality and that george did the right thing. All in all, steinbeck uses many amazing strategies and wording to make the reader feel many different ways. First pity at lennie, but when he kills curley's wife and subsequently gets killed by george, we feel acceptance but not a large feeling of betrayal or sadness. Characterization, mood, and setting all work together to make it seem like George killing lennie was the right thing to

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