Of Mice And Men Reflection Essay

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This semester, I have read many pieces of literature in English class, including Of Mice And Men, The Odyssey, and Romeo and Juliet. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck provided me with the greatest education. Of Mice And Men taught me to always have friends and companions, to always keep aspirations in mind, and that it’s always better to do the right thing. Of Mice And Men taught me that it is important to keep close friends and companions. In the book, George always tells Lennie that the two of them are better than other people because they have each other. Throughout the book, this point is proven again and again. George is constantly helping Lennie getting work and dealing with other people. Lennie is in work because George always has a plan for the both of them and can talk and negotiate with people. George convinces hirers that Lennie is a good worker despite his mental illness. Lennie also helps George. George and Lennie roam from job to job seeking money. Lennie gives George someone to talk to. Even though George says many times that Lennie is a burden, it is clear during moments like the beginning of the book that George enjoys Lennie’s company. Lennie also helps George get work because he is very strong. The employers need strong …show more content…

In the book, George and Lennie have a shared dream of owning their own farm and having their own livestock. They want to abide by their own rules and not have to work for anyone else. Lennie always get happy when talking about the farm and livestock, and in turn he keeps George happy and hopeful for the future. When George and Lennie reveal their plan to other workers at the ranch they work at, the workers become happier and hopeful at the thought of having a bright future. Having a goal set keeps people’s spirits up and makes them constantly trying to improve and succeed. Having a goal keeps Lennie happy and even until his

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