Theme Of Loyalty In Of Mice And Men

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Trevor Dawideit A person can express loyalty by doing anything for another human being regardless of the consequences. Throughout the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Lennie and George express loyalty to each other and the reader indirectly finds themselves becoming loyal to their partnership. Lennie expresses loyalty when George says to Lennie “George still stared morosely at the fire. ‘When I think of the swell time I could have without you, I go nut. I never get no peace.’ Lennie still knelt. He looked off into the darkness across the river. ‘George, you want I should go away and leave you alone?’” (Steinbeck 12) showing how Lennie is willing to leave George if he has become a problem for him. George is saying how good he could have it if Lennie wasn’t in his life but doesn’t leave Lennie and Lennie asks if he should go away if he is making it hard for George. Lennie is being very loyal to George by being willing to leave George just so that he can be happier and life a better life. Also, Lennie after hearing George complain about how difficult Lennie makes his life is still willing to do whatever George tells him to no matter the consequences. Furthermore, George doesn’t leave Lennie and Lennie doesn’t leave George due to their loyalty and needing of each other (Steinbeck 12). Lennie goes to extreme of fighting someone to express his loyalty when “George turned to Lennie. ‘It ain’t your fault,’ he said. ‘You don’t need to be scairt no more. You done jus’ what I tol’ you to. Maybe you better go in the washroom an’ clean up your face. You look like hell.’ Lennie smiled with is bruised mouth. ‘I didn’t want no trouble,’ he said. He walked toward the door, but just before he came to it he turned back. ‘George?’ ‘What yo... ... middle of paper ... ...a single employer typically got 8% increases in compensation a year compared with about 5% for people with a history of job hopping” (Wang) showing how by staying loyal to one job allows for a better income than those who keep changing jobs. Therefore, people who are more loyal to their company tend to make a better salary increase than those who constantly change jobs. Also, people who stay with one company and are loyal to that company tend to be more productive and creative for the company. Furthermore, staying loyal to one company who that person likes and enjoys tend to be more loyal and are happier in their life overall. Many people who are more loyal to their loved ones, jobs, and friends tend to be more trustworthy and happy. Loyalty can be expressed in many ways whether it be by doing anything for someone else or just being very trustworthy person overall.

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