Objectification Of Women In Hollywood Essay

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A few months ago, Jennifer Lawrence caused the men and pearl clutching women of Hollywood to gasp collectively when she published an essay about the gap between wages of men and women in Hollywood. She was unafraid to publicly call her male costars out for making significantly more money than her. She did it with elegance and class. While this was a good step in the right direction, it’s one white woman’s perspective. There are hundreds of other non-white perspectives in Hollywood to be considered. Women in Hollywood have overcome innumerable obstacles compared to their male counterparts, including a lack of diversity within Hollywood itself, stereotypes that come into play in roles made for women, the gap in pay between what male and female …show more content…

It’s unfortunate that many people just think of this when they think of her. Her popular roles paved the way for women to still be stereotyped into similar roles today. More recently, Megan Fox struggled to be seen as an actress capable of more serious roles than the ones she had in the Transformers series. These unfortunate movies caused Hollywood to only see her as the “hot girl” or the “whore.” The frequent objectification of women in Hollywood has become a major problem. Objectification is when someone, in this case a woman, is viewed for her body alone. The fact that one role an actress plays can follow her for her whole career says a lot about Hollywood, and not in a good way. Fox’s comments on the matter and accusations against Transformers director Michael Bay have caused her to almost disappear from the public eye in recent years. This is just one example of a woman in Hollywood speaking her mind and being ridiculed for it. The idea of a women refusing to just simply play her role and look pretty is relatively

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