Object and Obsession

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My mother waves from the driveway as we pull away in the moving truck. She is smiling at me, but I know her heart is breaking. My father puts his arm around her and together they say goodbye. The air outside is cold but it is sunny and as we pull away from the house with my life’s possessions and our brand new baby, embarking on our journey, I feel a rush of excitement. Onward! With shiny card in hand we make our way through the country border, the ache of butterflies swimming in my stomach, so nervous. What if we forgot something? A paper not signed? A check not cashed? I can hear every sound, the hum of the truck and the gentle kicking of my daughter in her car seat between us. They ask us to pull over, and I nearly break into tears. I shiver with relief when they simply glance through the nearly empty moving truck and wave us through. We made it, we’re in. A year of waiting, stressing, hurting, longing. Such a simple item. A card, rectangular and smooth. Like a passport, dedicated to one country, I was told that I must have it with me always. Don’t lose it. Never lose it. Nestled in my wallet, all alone and hidden in a pocket. I have no license, I have no money, but there is a small sliver of plastic containing my entire identity. Within its smooth magnetic strip, lie pages of information. My life. Age, sex, origins. Do you want to know who I am? Look at my green card. I am there, with a small snapshot of time when I was green and still dreamed of fairy tales. I always wondered why they called it a green card, when my first one wasn’t even green. It was whitish. Off-white. Pasty and pale. It’s not bad here. I have my husband, my beautiful daughter. We have a son, then another, and another girl. My life is filled with love. B... ... middle of paper ... ... circled the sun. Living, and I have spent the last 15 years scared to try. I have waited, and waited. I slept. Abandoning my sense of self, I laid down and waited. But no more. Give me the torch, and watch me fly for I live a life, but no longer does it define me. From now on I will define it. I will not work to maintain, I will get ahead. I will win. I see my mother. In my dreams she’s waving, but not to say good bye. She is saying hello, for I have broken the shackles that I placed on my wrists when I stopped living for me and I have stepped into the light. I am taking control of my life, I am taking back what I lost and left behind. My life. My future. My goals. My children will learn that life is best lived when it’s lived well. I own my life and I will mold myself into the person who makes me happy. My wallet feels weightless, but in truth I am stronger.

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