Nutrition And Nutrition Essay

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Eating the right foods is a very important for us to maintain a healthy body. So, why is it vital for us to make sure our students eat the right meals at school? This question has many answers and not enough solutions, but two major problems is the lack of both proper nutrient and healthier food choices. There are changes being made to improve to our schools and lunch programs, known as the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), to increase access to healthier food choices and changing the serving requirements so students can get the right intake of proper nutrients. Why are the changes are suddenly being made, exactly? I am here to inform about the new changes to schools’ lunches and breakfast are being made to decrease child obesity, introduce …show more content…

Obesity continues to be a huge problem amongst both adults and children. Back in 2012, more than one third of children were obese and Childhood obesity will keep increasing in the near future. According to the statistics, childhood obesity has quadrupled in today’s youth in the last 30 years. Children and adolescents that suffer from childhood obesity will be 80 percent most likely to become obese adults Obesity is also the gateway for many other health problems such as diabetes, heart diseases, and etc. So, what is the cause of childhood diabetes? There many factors including are the children eating healthy at home, dose the family have access to healthier food choices, do the environment surroundings and community supports better eating habits? But, the certified main cause of childhood obesity is the excessive consumption of high calorie and high on sugar and salt junk food and also the lack of proper exercise can cause a caloric imbalance. The body need a proper caloric balance because calories that are burned during physicals activities are used to control weight loss and weight …show more content…

For some of the student’s school meal might be their only source of proper nutritional meals. Eating unhealthy meals back to back at school will lead to negative effects health wise for children and is a major factor in the increase of obesity in our children. Unfortunately, not everything served in our school’s cafeteria is healthy. Even if the government does monitor and regulate the NSLP (National School Lunch Program) the schools still sale snack high in sodium, sugar, and trans fats. So, with this new school lunch helps put the appropriate requirements on the school lunches, by making healthier alternatives available for the student to choose from and the serving are “right sized’ ’of each food group. The program offers a wide variety and the newly recommended servings fruits, vegetables, grains (must contain 50 percent of whole grains), meat (or any meat alternatives), and milk/dairy of the student’s choice. A minimum of servings of each food group all adding up to 500-550 calories per lunch. The new changes also have new portion and calorie requirements based on scientific nutrition data and dietary needs for children (based mostly on the age

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