Nutrition Personal Statement Essay

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Personal statement
I wish to study the “Nutrition” bachelor 's degree course because health is the most important thing in our live. Although “health is wealth”, health is priceless. That is why we have to be more concern about what we eat every day. Otherwise, you have a lot of money but you still can not do anything to gain the health. So, if we do not eat healthy, we will get sick easily; especially having malnutrition, obesity or anorexia.
Since I was young,I have always check on the label which on the food pack, and look for the ingredients in it in order to find out is it good or bad for my body. Also I am very interested when the food eaten by human then what will it happen inside the body. Furthermore, I would wondering how the food …show more content…

It was so fun when I am being a volunteer. In that time, we would went to a charity every week. We would designed some activity to the elderly; or, we would tell them what should they eat to being healthy. Also we would do some exerciser together. Just to make them happy and feel like there still have a lot of people care about them, they are not alone. Besides, I have been to Sichuan to teach the children whose family can not support them to go to school. After this trip, it made me more and more desirous to be a nutrition because they are obliviously malnutrition.In my country we always said that “it’s more blessed to give than to receive” so I do like to help them.
In this summer I worked in an ice-cream shop. During this time, I have learnt that they are really serious of the food. Before I started work, I have to join a training class for learning about nutrition labeling and the ingredient of the ice-cream. Also we have a “rules of safety food” that we need to remember all of it. For example, if a customer asked is there any flavor do not contain egg or milk, we can only say “sorry we do not have any flavor without egg or milk” for the customer even though we have sorbet. It is because we use the same scoop to ladle out so it would cross

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